Wednesday, August 26, 2009

51 days until court and counting : )

Only 51 days until court. Things are starting to get exciting around here. We've lived in our house for over 5 years and have only painted 3 of the bedrooms. My goal is to get a fresh coat of paint on everything before travel - partially due to having to rearrange bedroom assignments.

This last weekend saw the "extra" room painted and cleaned. We were then able to move most of our den in. Had a couple of great neighbors come over and move the big stuff. And then had a neighbor give us some leftover paint. Woohoo! So now we have a combination den/toy room. We also had to figure out how to go wireless with our computer. Wasn't too hard and obviously it is working because I am typing this in a different room then our modem. :)

Our Adoption Journeys Cookbook has been selling really well. Lots of interest and a great way to spread the joy of adoption. The 4 stories that we included are wonderful accounts of very different journeys.

As if preparing for this life changing event wasn't enough, all the fall activity is starting as well. Normal things such as my teaching, homeschooling, gym & swim, & AWANA are all getting started. And we are adding speech for all and soccer for 1, which has turned into for all since I, in a moment of insanity, volunteered to coach Cameron's team.

But life is good. God is good. May your life and mine be full of His wonderful blessings through the good times and the hard times.


  1. just wanted to drop you a small note of encouragement. :) when we received news of our court date, it was a little over 3 months away...those 3 months were long, but they did eventually pass...
    ...and now my sweet girl is home...

    and yours will be too...soon. :)
    praying for you.

  2. Thanks for the encouragement. The waiting feels like a huge weight of nothing. Looking forward to being on the other side. Thanks to for your prayers.
