Sunday, November 22, 2009

God worked a miracle.

God worked an awesome miracle - providing the information needed to substantiate our children's orphan status 20 minutes before the Consulate Office was scheduled to close on Friday. At 11:59 (Office closed at noon) Ayana and Siqare's visas were in our hands and we were good to go. As of 7:00 Saturday night we were back home in Illinois with everyone.

I will flesh out the AMAZING story of how it happened soon. Jet lag has set in and I can barely keep my eyes open. While our ending for our forever family worked out, our ending with our agency has not been so good. It was the agencies fault that we were originally denied our visas and only because of 2 employees in the consulate were we able to finalize the adoption in time. Again, details will follow soon.

Just want to thank everyone for their prayers. God made his work so clear in our entire journey. The visa timing was his final stamp. Our trip home was extremely smooth - considering there were 7 of us traveling for 34 hours. All of our children are tired, but doing well.


  1. The power of prayer is amazing and can move mountains, as your journey proved! We are so happy you have made it home as a family! We look forward to hearing about your journey as a family that is awaiting to travel! God Bless

  2. So glad to hear that everything worked out,the visas were issued, and you all are safely back home! Don't know you (heard about you through CAFE group), but have been praying for your family. God bless you all as you rest and acclimate to the time change and your new family dynamic! :-) Glad we serve an awesome God that sees us through such challenges!
